
We support you as a landlord
or landlady of commercial space

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Vacancy management

Are you the owner, landlord or agent of a commercial property in the centre of Bad Vilbel? Our vacancy management service will help you to avoid vacancies or fill them in the short term. Take the opportunity to get in touch with our city centre manager!

Our tasks in vacancy management

  • Early detection of vacancies: We offer support if there are signs of vacancy in your property.
  • Procurement of potential tenants: With our network of local and national merchants, we help to find suitable tenants.
  • Advice on subsequent utilisation: Together we develop ideas for the use of your property and provide tips for optimising your rental offers.
  • Avoidance of long-term vacancies: We rely on proactive approaches and targeted marketing to quickly eliminate vacancies.

The City Management supports landlords, property owners and estate agents with:

  1. Marketing and administration of commercial and gastronomy vacancies.
  2. Counselling with suitable space utilisation concepts.
  3. Search for suitable new tenants or buyers.
  4. Suggestions and exchange for more efficient property marketing.
  5. Matching of relocation applications with available vacancy information.
  6. Checking of funding opportunities.
  7. Networks and contacts to support your property marketing.